Reform Jersey
Reform Jersey

As 2022 comes to an end, here we are listing all of the propositions we have successfully won in the States of Jersey, since the General Election.

20th September

Deputy Mézec -

Aligning the Minimum Wage with the 'Living Wage'

Adopted, as amended, unanimously.

Deputy Feltham -

Expanding the eligibility for the Community Cost Bonus

Adopted, as amended, unanimously.

22nd November

Deputy Curtis (as chair of the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel)

Securing a commitment to work towards making primary healthcare free for children

Adopted, as amended, unanimously.

Deputy Feltham

Provide greater accountability in the key indicators used to measure the government's progress

Adopted unanimously.

Deputy Feltham

Secure commitment to ensuring government facilities are made accessible

Adopted, as amended, unanimously.

14th December

Deputy Southern (as chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel)

Prevent funding being taken out of the Health Insurance Fund

Adopted 31 votes in favour, 13 against.

Deputy Ward

Expand support provided for those who need medical treatment off Island

Adopted, as amended, unanimously.

Deputy Alves

Expand the avanchi18 bus pass to all full-time students, trainees and apprentices

Adopted unanimously

Deputy Alves

Provide funding to enable all children to have free access to GP appointments

Adopted 24 votes in favour, 22 against.

Deputy Feltham

Prevent a government U-turn on removing GST from menstrual sanitary products

Adopted 24 votes in favour, 22 against.